DITA, Self Care for Dancers w/guest artist Heather Vaughan-Southard

Sunday December 4
Wealthy Theatre Annex
$15/$12 students w/ID
For dancers 16+
email [email protected] for more information
Heather Vaughan-Southard is a dance educator with rich experiences directing programs and teaching in higher education, K-12 public schools, non-profit and private studios. With an approach of teaching dance as a liberal art, she draws from her experiences dancing professionally in Chicago, Detroit, New York, and Los Angeles to create experiences that move beyond the boundaries of a studio, producing well-rounded, thinking dance citizens. She is author of the blog EducatingDancers, where she chronicles her perspectives on dance and dance education and is the K-12 columnist for the popular online magazine, Dance Advantage. Heather represents Dance in the Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment project (MAEIA), tasked with developing a blueprint and assessment specifications for premier arts education in the public schools. As a dancer, Heather has performed nationally and internationally, and has performed works by Mia Michaels, Donald McKayle, Bob Fosse, Lar Lubovitch, Billy Siegenfeld, Alexandra Beller, and Debra Levasseur-Lottman. Her choreography has been commissioned by such organizations as Michigan State University, Grand Valley State University, Dance in the Annex, Lansing Community College, and Happendance. Heather holds an MFA in Dance from the University of Michigan, a BFA in dance from Western Michigan University.

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